Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Laurence Bradford - The Balance

Laurence Bradford - The BalanceLaurence Bradford - The Balance

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Creative Exercises To Get The Wheels Turning

Creative Exercises To Get The Wheels TurningCreative Exercises To Get The Wheels TurningCreative people are creative for a reason. They grew up wanting to solve problems. They were inspired to paint and draw, or write and play music. They get a thrill from being creative, and from people recognizing that creativity. A creative mind is a great mind. But like a chisel or a sword, it needs to be kept sharp to do the best job. If you find yourself in a creative rut right now, either because youre working on a job that bores you silly, or you have started scraping the barrel for a client, then its time to step away and reevaluate. What you need to do is sharpen your mind, with exercises to jog your mind better than any energy drink. Here then are 15 exercises that you can do, in your own time, to help you bring new life to a brain that may just be on auto-pilot. 1. Rebrand An Existing Product or Service Is there a logo out there that you hate? A product that has awful packaging? A rad io ad that makes you turn red with rage? Then do it better. Figure out, from what you already know about that product or service, what the advertising or design should say. Have fun with it. 2. Design Another Letter Of The Alphabet You are tasked with inventing a 27th letter of the alphabet. It must represent a sound, maybe a letter for PH, PN or KN. What symbol will it be? Its harder than you think, the alphabet has been developing for centuries and youll soon find that your new letter is just a backwards p or an upside-down y. 3. Package Yourself If you were available to buy in your local Rite-Aid or Target, what would the packaging look like? What would your catchy product title be? What would it say on the box? This is not just an exercise in creative thinking, but of establishing your own personal brand in a fun and inventive way. 4. Invent A New Sandwich Theres a terrific episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm (Clip here, NSFW language but very funny) that centers around sandwiches named after celebrities. Ted Dansons is turkey coleslaw and Russian dressing. Larry Davids is a rather less appetizing concoction of whitefish, sable, capers, onions and cream cheese. So, what would your new sandwich be? How would you market it? What would you call it? Whats the wow factor that would make it an instant hit? 5. Write A Six Word Story Ernest Hemingway, one of the greatest authors of all time, welches once challenged to write a complete story in just six words. Never one to shy from a challenge, he wrote For sale baby shoes, never used. What would your complete six-word story be? 6. What Gadget Is The World Missing? Do you often think man, why hasnt someone figured out a way to do this better? Maybe that someone should be you. If you believe that your daily life is missing a killer gadget, or someone you know could use a thingamajig to make life easier, why not start sketching it out. If it comes to fruition, patent the idea. It could make you rich. 7. Start Writing, Dont Stop Until Youve Hit 1000 Words What should you write? Anything. What is your inspiration? Whatever you want. In Finding Forrester the character played by Sean Connery asks his young student to take an existing piece of work as a starting point. The student transforms it into something unique. Start with a famous passage from a book, or the opening of a movie. But take it somewhere entirely different. When you hit 1000 words, stop and read it. You may have just surprised yourself. 8. Whose Line Is It Anyway? One of my favorite shows, ever, and my favorite round was always the props round. Drew Carey would hand out two binnenseemingly useless objects and then the improve team would come up with ingenious uses for them. So try it for yourself. Whats in your home or office right now that could have a dozen different uses? Write them down. Think big, think small, think around the problem. 9. Become A Child For A Few Hours Remember as a kid you could pl ay for hours with Lego, wooden blocks, Lincoln Logs, PlayDoh and all sorts of other cool things. Over the years, we learn that these are childish and forget about them. How sad. I personally have Lego, toys and games in my office, and I see no shame in using them. So go ahead, embrace your inner child and create something fun and cool. Youll be amazed at the way your mind starts working. 10. Sign Redesign Our world is filled with signs. From warning signs to traffic signs, we see them daily. Some use symbols, others use words. But could all of them use symbols? Is the STOP sign something that can be redesigned to be understood by anyone in any language? Its an important sign after all. Or how about EXIT, WAY OUT, DANGER, NO ENTRY or YIELD? Think about it. Its quite the task. 11 Create an Anti-Product Ad You may be used to thinking of ways to sell a product, but how often do you think of ways to put people off? This creative exercise is excellent for shifting your paradigm an d looking at your subject matter in an entirely different light. What could you do to make people NOT want to be a BMW or a Mercedes? How could you steer people away from Coke or Pepsi? By looking at the negatives, you can often produce an ad harnessing the positives. 12 Find Creative Uses for Everyday Objects A pen is just a pen...or is it? What do you have around you right now that could be used for something completely different? Alton Brown, the chef who knows his science, refuses to buy objects that have just one use. He finds ways to use kitchen tools in the most inventive ways. So what can you do with that stapler, the pair of scissors, or that old bookend? 13 Turn Something Random into Something Fun One of the simplest ways to challenge your mind is to draw something completely random on a piece of paper. A quick scribble. A doodle. Blindfold yourself and make a few marks. Now...what do you see beyond the scribble? Is it the start of a face, a machine, or an alien cr eature? Be inventive. Play the game with a friend, taking turns to make each others doodles into finished works of art. 14 Dig Into the Garbage What have you thrown away recently? Could it have been turned into something useful? What have other people thrown away at work, or in your neighborhood? Some people make it their life goal to dumpster dive and turn trash into treasure. Give it a go, and see what you can come up with. You may even create something that someone wants to buy. 15 Pick a Word From the Dictionary Any word. If you have a printed copy, open it at a random page, close your eyes, and place your handglied on the page. Or use a random word generator online. Whats the word? Now...use that word as the inspiration for an ad, a design, or a piece of original art.

Do You Have the Extra Oomph to Make Things Happen in 2017

Do You Have the Extra Oomph to Make Things Happen in 2017 Do You Have the Extra Oomph to Make Things Happen in 2017 January â€"  the time of year when we push the restart button and do all of the things that we promised wed do last year but didnt!  Its a little bit cliché, isnt it? Have you ever written down your goals in January and then reviewed them later in the year to see how many of them you actually achieved? I have. I wont say that Ive always completed all  of them, but generally, I do manage to cross a fair number off. I manage this because I regularly review my long-term strategic plan regarding where I want my life and career/business to go. Without long-term planning, all you can do is live day to day and hand to mouth. Short-term planning generally amounts to a short-term job or career. In order to guarantee yourself a lifelong position, you need to set yourself a long-term strategy as to how youre going to get noticed and how youre going to get companies seeking  you out. In the old days, you  could just be good at your job and that was enough. But what use is it being good at your job if nobody outside of the four walls of your company knows how great you are? If you want to take your career to the next level, you  need to break the four walls and get companies chasing you! Nepotism and guaranteed tenures are gone. In todays fast-changing world, none of us are exempt from cuts. What are you doing to guarantee that if the worse were to happen (hopefully not!) and you were to lose your job you could almost fall into another one right away? Make Yourself the Go-To Person in Your Field With nearly all recruitment happening electronically to some extent, how confident are you about how you would come across if somebody were to Google your name? If youre employed in an academic profession or a senior management position, what does your online biography say about you? Would you take advice from yourself if you were somebody whose opinion of you was based only on what they saw on your LinkedIn profile? Ideally, no matter which profession youre in, you should be working toward creating a really expert and professional presence. You need to be seen as the go-to person within your industry, field, or niche. How are you going to get noticed by the right people â€" the key decision makers and influencers? No More Excuses We expect miracles to happen in the new year, but just because you set yourself a few resolutions does not mean that this year will be any different from the last one  â€" unless you make it different!  If you dont take action now, you will be in the same place this time next year, waiting for things to materialize  instead of going out to get them for yourself! As we all know, you only get out what you put in! Everyone has reasons for not doing the things they want to do. Sometimes, life just gets in the way â€" but when life gives you lemons, you have to make lemonade and be done with it! My message is that resolutions can happen today, they can happen tomorrow, and they can happen anytime during the year. We all like the symbolic fresh start of January, but the fact is that it doesnt matter how many resolutions you make or when you make them. What matters is if you  keep them. Start thinking right now about your long-term career plans. There are lots of experts out there who  will offer advice, but do remember that many of them are just giving you information; it is up to you to  put that information into practice. If it is transformation that youre looking for, you will need to invest time, energy, and money into making it happen. Susan Burke is an award-winning global careers coach. You can connect with Susan via  LinkedIn  and  grab a complimentary copy of her book,  Get Companies Chasing You,  directly from her website.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Job Description (MOS 1345) Engineer Equipment Operator

Job Description (MOS 1345) Engineer Equipment Operator Job Description (MOS 1345) Engineer Equipment Operator These Marines are like the construction workers of the Corps. They use a variety of construction machines and equipment for grading and excavation projects wherever Marines need earth moved.   This job is categorized as a military occupational specialty (MOS) 1345 and is considered a primary MOS. Its open to Marines ranking from private to staff sergeant. Duties of MOS 1345 The main responsibility of this MOS is operating heavy equipment. If you enlist in this job,  youll operate gas and diesel engine powered vehicles, as well as self-propelled, skid-mounted and towed equipment. This could range from machines used for earth moving and logging to clearing and landing operations. Basically, if you enlist in this MOS, its your job to prep an area for other Marines, whether that means readying an area for a combat mission, or for a larger construction project like a bridge. There will be a lot of heavy lifting, a lot of outdoor work, and youll be expected to get your job done no matter the weather or other conditions (including active combat situations).   Qualifying for MOS 1345 Youll need a score of at least 95 in the mechanical maintenance (MM) section of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests. Youll also have to complete the engineer equipment operator course at Army Engineer School at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri.   Thanks to a joint operating agreement, soldiers can also take this engineer equipment operator course. Students spend 45 days in the training course and learn to operate vehicles like tractors, forklifts and caterpillar earth-movers.   To qualify for this MOS in the Marines, you need vision correctable to 20/20 and depth perception (third-degree binocular fusion).   Non-MOS qualified Reserve Marines unable to attend the regular formal school course may be certified for MOS 1345, as an AMOS-only, by the commander upon successful completion of the Marine Reserves alternate training instructional program (ATIP). The ATIP for MOS 1345 consists of core tasks to be performed to standard at Reserve managed on-the-job training (MOJT). A minimum of six months MOJT while assigned to a 1345 billet is required. Jobs Similiar to MOS 1345 Marine Engineer Equipment Mechanic, MOS 1341, works with a variety of different motor vehicles, from diesel engines and gasoline and diesel driven construction equipment such as tractors, power shovels, and road machinery. They may also work on and repair specialized equipment like air compressors, concrete mixers and other engine-driven or towed construction equipment. Obviously having mechanics in a branch of the military that has to be battle ready often with little notice helps keep things running smoothly.

Monday, November 18, 2019

4 Job Search Disruptors to Know and Avoid

4 Job Search Disruptors to Know and Avoid 4 Job Search Disruptors to Know and Avoid There’s no doubt about it: job searching can feel like a job in and of itself. So in an effort to speed up your search (and get hired already!), you might be making some mistakes that you’re not even aware of. If you feel like your job search is going nowhere fast, check out these four  job search disruptors to know- and avoid. Four Job Search Disruptors to Know and Avoid 1. You’re not working as hard as you think. You sit down at your desk each and every morning, ready to job search. You open up a few tabs, drink your morning beverage of choice, and an hour later, you’ve fallen down the rabbit hole of liking friends’ vacay photos and commenting on the latest Tasty video. The point: even though you’re showing up to job search doesn’t mean you’re actually searching. That’s why you have to make your job search a priority if you want it to be effective. Think about the money you’ll make and the flex and freedom you’ll have to inspire you to march on and apply for positions. 2. You’re applying for too many jobs. If you’re not facing the above scenario, you might be in this one- applying for too many positions. While this might not seem to be a job search disruptor, it can be, especially if you’re applying for positions you’re not necessarily qualified for. Even if it seems like you’re slowing down, you need to take the time to customize each and every application to the position you’re applying for. Scan the job description for keywords that you can use to tailor your resume and cover letter. You’ll beat the applicant tracking system (ATS) and hopefully get called in for more job interviews. 3. You’re fixating on something frivolous. It’s always a good idea to revise and revamp your resume and cover letter as necessary. But if you’re spending days (or yikes, weeks) obsessing over the skills section in your resume or the fonts you’re using, you are definitely dabbling in a job search disruptor. Although you want your job application to be as clean as possible, no one is perfect, and there might always be room for improvement. Just don’t let the idea of submitting a perfect application impede you from actually sending one in. 4. You’re making the same oops- over and over. You’ve been told by well-meaning friends (and a couple of hiring managers, too) that you have a tendency to be a bit too boastful. And yet, each time you head into an interview, you regale potential bosses of how you saved your former company millions of dollars- and from potentially declaring bankruptcy. If you’ve been job searching for a while and/or had several interviews with nary a job offer, it’s time for some serious self-reflection. Think about what you could potentially be doing wrong. If you can be self-objective, let friends or family read over your resume and cover letter to see if there are any glaring errors. Then, consider holding a mock interview for a job that you want so they can see how you interact with a potential boss. Once you figure out the issue, work to resolve it so you can have a more successful job search. Distractions are everywhere, but that doesn’t mean you have to fall for them. Look for ways to tighten up your job search, and you’ll have a more focused and fruitful job search. Readers, what are the job search disruptors  you face? Let us know in the comments below!

Sunday, November 17, 2019

4 nuggets of wisdom for anyone running their own thing

4 nuggets of wisdom for anyone running their own thing 4 nuggets of wisdom for anyone running their own thing When you’re in charge, it ain’t easy. It doesn’t matter if you’re the breadwinner, the decision maker, the manager, the side-hustle shaker, or the CEO … when everything ladders up to you and only you, it can feel isolating. And even lonely. I feel like this more times than I can count throughout any given week. Some days I’ll be high on life, knowing that the freedom to run a business and have impact is a special kind of heaven. And occasionally when I focus too much on my doubt,   or on the realization that there is no safety net, no one to count on but myself to make this all work, it can feel like a special kind of hell.One thing that  always  brings me back to center is being around groups of humans who are in the hustle with me. I had the opportunity to lead a few sessions at  Intuit’s Quickbooks Connect  and  shoot  did it make me feel  alive â€"  to be around so many people like myself all just trying to figure out how to run our own thing (and let’s be real †¦ get out of our own way).Here are a few nuggets I picked up throughout the day that felt like instant resonance. Passing along so you can hopefully feel the same:On Failure …  â€œIt’s only a “failure” if you don’t learn from your mistake. Otherwise, it’s just a mistake.”Mindy Kaling passed along this advice that she was given by Queen Oprah. And I was sitting in the back of that dark room saying  A(wo)MEN.  We’re all making mistakes on the regular. As we should be, it means we’re trying new things. But it’s not a giant failure unless we choose not to learn from it. It’s why reflection is such a powerful thing. Making time to journal, to reflect, to look at our past choices, gives us so much information for how to move onward.On Self Care …  â€œFigure out what works for you.”  While I led a panel on how to take care of your #1 (you!), it was abundantly clear that there’s no ‘one size fits all’ self-care strategy. We have to figure out what works for u s, both in identifying what matters most, to how we want to handle our digital devices, to how to set and uphold boundaries. But figuring out what energizes us and what drains us is an easy way to figure out what’s working and what is not.On Feeling Lost …  â€œWhat’s the absolute smallest thing you can do today?”  As creators and visionaries and future thinkers, it can be hard to think small. But I implored my breakout group to do just that. The smaller we can think, the more we can act. And eventually, it will all lead to exactly where we never even knew we wanted to be.On Knowing What to do (or Not Do) …  â€œShare your problems to receive your solutions.”We aren’t successful alone. And as I sat catching up with one of my favorite peers and fellow business owners, I realized we can instantly feel inspired and less alone by having real-talk conversations with those in the same hustle. It’s empowering. It’s energizing. And it gives us really good perspective and sol utions.No matter what it is you’re running: your team, your business, your self, your side-hustle, your department … know that you’re doing it. Keep going, keep believing in yourself, and finding magic in the moments right now. It’ll all eventually build to where you want to be if you’re taking the small steps.This article first appeared on MaxieMcCoy.com.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Sample Resume for Event Coordinator Job Position

Sample Resume for Event Coordinator Job Position Sample Resume for Event Coordinator Job Position Create this Resume Charles Norman1030 Timber Ridge RoadSacramento, CA 95814(123)-574-9854c.norman@tmail.comObjectiveTo secure a position as Event Coordinator in a prestigious organization to utilize skills and capabilities and pursue career growth and increase in experience. Summary of QualificationsProficiency in MS Office (Power point and Excel)Strong attention to detail and commitment to producing high quality workTeam-oriented, outgoing, and articulate Ability to work within strict time frames and resolute deadlinesAccurate and great attention to detailProfessional ExperienceSenior Event Coordinator, January 2007- PresentFidelity Investments, Smithfield, RI ResponsibilitiesAssisted and supported all aspects of the minutes of the meeting. Prepared and created name badges, agendas, attendee lists, and all other meeting materials. Collaborated event strategies, objectives, and program goals with internal management team. Assisted in the development of project plans and schedules fo r each event.Updated weekly providing revised status reports to management. Provided admin support to the team which includes invoice reconciliation, inventory, and management of promotional items. Event Coordinator, May 2004- December 2006Rite Aid, Camp Hill, PA ResponsibilitiesEnsured the advertised items are accurate and events are entered into the event planning system. Identified and resolved issues arising from Store Pre-Scan Ad Information.Ensured all changes are made to advertising events based on research of all items in the event and corrections received from category managers. Set up special events. Provided standard reports that include negative gross profit and missing contracts to category. EducationMasters Degree in Business Management, 2004Yale UniversityBachelors Degree in Business Management, 2002Yale University Customize ResumeMore Sample Resumes:Equity Trader Resume Escrow Assistant Resume Escrow Officer Resume Estate Manager Resume Estate Planning Attorney Resum e Esthetician Resume Event Coordinator Resume Executive Resume

Friday, November 15, 2019

Guide to Becoming a Police Officer

Guide to Becoming a Police Officer Guide to Becoming a Police Officer

Thursday, November 14, 2019

How to Become a Cover Letter Writing Machine

How to Become a Cover Letter Writing Machine How to Become a Cover Letter Writing Machine Writing an excellent cover letter doesn’t have to be difficult- but it does take preparation and time. The good news? Once you have developed a stellar cover letter, you can use it as a template for multiple job applications. In this two-part post, I’ll take you through the steps of writing a successful cover letter. Step One: Create a Template If you’re sending out several cover letters a day as part of your job search, creating a customizable cover letter template will save you a lot of time and effort. The cover letter template will contain basic information about yourself that doesn’t change, irrespective of the job you’re applying for. First, make sure you have the correct cover letter structure in place: the header should contain your address, the date, and the employer’s contact information (the latter, of course, will change for each letter): 123 Main StreetAnytown, NY   12345July 18, 2012 Employer contact name, TitleName of CompanyCompany Address Dear Ms. Smith: The first paragraph of your cover letter will be customized for each employer, so skip that part for now. The body will contain a narrative of your qualifications, and for the most part, will stay the same for each cover letter that you write. (One exception is if you are applying to jobs in two or more different fields- in that case, you should tailor the experience you focus on to the industry you are targeting.) Starting with your current position, explain what you currently do and what you’ve accomplished in the past. (If you’ve just graduated or are unemployed, talk about your most recent experience.) Resist the urge to use exactly the same language that appears on your resume- this is your chance to be more descriptive than the confines of your resume allow. As the Web Designer for my school’s Technology Services department, I design and build student group websites, using strategic HTML/CSS coding to create accessible, consistent and user-focused designs. I am also exposed to database architecture and query tools that are incorporated into the websites I create. Previously, I served as Webmaster for my fraternity, managing the content and layout of my chapter’s website while maintaining the brand identity of a national organization.   Notice how the author of this cover letter describes exactly what his responsibilities were in each position and also highlights the skills he learned. Think about the types of skills your potential employers are looking for, and make sure to emphasize exactly how you have gained those. As a camp counselor for Camp Big Lake, I supervised 3rd and 4th grade students throughout the summer. I was solely responsible for planning and executing water sports activities for my group of fifteen campers; this experience helped me to develop a strong sense of accountability. Currently, as a math tutor at my university’s Academic Resources Center, I teach advanced calculus to my peers who are struggling with their classwork. Although it can be challenging to identify the issues that prevent a student from understanding a math concept, I find it extremely rewarding to apply my own knowledge in order to help my peers. Didn’t think you could include your summer at Camp Big Lake in a cover letter or resume? Think again! If you are a student or recent graduate, it’s completely acceptable- and encouraged- to include any relevant job experience you have, whether it’s waitressing at the local diner or filing papers for your parents’ family business. The key is presenting these experiences in a way that makes them relevant to your job search. The section of your cover letter detailing your background can be either one or two paragraphs, depending on how extensive your experience is. In describing your work experience, use words and phrases such as: “In this capacity, I…” “In that position, I was responsible for…” “Having worked as a [position], I am very experienced in…” Remember: don’t just tell employers that you have the skills they are looking for- explain exactly how you acquired them. Conversely, don’t just list off your experiences- tell employers what skills you gained in each position. Your template should also include a professional-sounding conclusion: I am confident that my background in web development would allow me to contribute significantly to [name of organization]. I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to discuss this position with you further. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Finish it off with a formal signature line- options include “Sincerely,” “Sincerely yours,” and “Kind regards.” If you are emailing your cover letter as an attachment, you do not need to scan in a handwritten signature- simply typing your full name is perfectly acceptable. Next week, I’ll explain how to customize your cover letter template to target each of your employers specifically. Best of luck!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Putting your Best Foot Forward on your Resume

Putting your Best Foot Forward on your Resume Putting your Best Foot Forward on your Resume There is no one answer to this question, as recruiters differ and so do companies, but there are a few things that you can do to make sure that you shine, no matter what industry you are applying for. First, let’s start with our evidence, shall we?   Every good court case requires evidence, so you need to make sure that you list the name of the employer, what your position was and how long you were there for.   The problem is that most people start their resume with this information, which is what everyone else does.   So let’s leave our evidence for halfway through our resume and focus on what the employer really wants (even over education most of the time) and that is experience. While you should never use a career objective, you should be able to highlight the peaks in your career and what you accomplished throughout your employment history.   If you were the residential sales manager for a company and you managed to increase sales, don’t just write that. You need something punchy like “Increased sales in the first quarter by 50 percent through retraining of the sales force and by adding a comprehensive incentive program.   If you are only working with the bare minimum, then you are doing yourself a disservice.   If you sell yourself short, who is going to pump you up? Companies like initiative, so it should be painted all over your resume like it was going out of style. Did you organize and execute the annual safety fair and bring out record numbers? How about overseeing the renovation of a new office space or negotiating some serious discounts through vendors?   While some people think that all of these things are just a part of their job, the truth is that these small gestures are what sets you apart from everyone else. Think about it, would you rather hire someone who listed their skills as “excellent negotiating skills and good relationships with vendors” or someone who boasts “was responsible for saving the company more than $3,500 per year in office supplies due to superior negotiating skills and solid, established relationships with local suppliers”?   Personally, I would prefer the person who is going to show me what he/she is going to do for me as opposed to the person who is only going to tell me about it. Have you been presented with any awards in the workplace?   Even if it is only something like “employee of the month” at a fast food chain, it demonstrates that you went over and above the call of duty in the best interests of the company.   When you stick out, you get noticed, and isn’t that the purpose of your resume?

Monday, November 11, 2019

5 choices youll regret forever

5 choices you'll regret forever 5 choices you'll regret forever Our days are filled with a constant stream of decisions. Most are mundane, but some are so important that they can haunt you for the rest of your life.A recent study from Columbia University found that we’re bogged down by more than 70 decisions a day. The sheer number of decisions we have to make each day leads to a phenomenon called decision fatigue, whereby your brain actually tires like a muscle.A new study from the University of Texas shows that even when our brains aren’t tired, they can make it very difficult for us to make good decisions. When making a decision, instead of referencing the knowledge we’ve accumulated, our brains focus on specific, detailed memories.For example, if you’re buying a new car and trying to decide if you should go for the leather seats, even though you know you can’t afford it, your brain might focus on memories of the wonderful smell and feel of the leather seats in your brother’s sports car, when it should be focused on the misery youâ €™re going to experience when making your monthly car payments. Since you don’t have memories of this yet, it’s a hard thing for your brain to contemplate.“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” â€"Stephen CoveySome decisions are minor, such as what to eat, which route to drive to work, or in what order to tackle tasks; others are more difficult, such as choosing between two job offers, whether to move to a new city for someone you love, or whether to cut a toxic person out of your life. Regardless of the magnitude of the decision, our brains make it hard for us to keep the perspective we need to make good choices.Bronnie Ware spent her career as a palliative care nurse, working exclusively with people who were 3 to 12 months from death. She made a habit of asking them about their greatest regrets, and she heard the same five regrets time and time again. By studying these regrets, you can make certain that you make good choices and don’t f all victim to them yourself.They wish they hadn’t made decisions based on what other people thinkWhen you make your decisions based on other people’s opinions, two things tend to happen: You make a poor career choice:  There are too many people out there who studied for a degree they regret or even spent their lives pursuing a career they regret. Whether you’re seeking parental approval or pursuing pay and prestige over passion, making a poor career choice is a decision that will live with you forever. You fail to uphold your morals:  When you get too caught up in what your boss thinks of you, how much money you think your spouse needs to be happy, or how bad you will look if you fail, you are at high risk of violating your own morals. Your intense desire to make yourself  look good  compromises your ability to stay true to yourself and, ultimately, to  feel good. The best way to avoid falling prey to the opinions of others is to realize that other people’s opinions are just that- opinions. Regardless of how great or terrible they think you are, that’s only their opinion. Your true self-worth comes from within.They wish they hadn’t worked so hardWorking hard is a great way to impact the world, to learn, to grow, to feel accomplished, and sometimes even to find happiness, but it becomes a problem when you do so at the expense of the people closest to you. Ironically, we often work hard to make money for the people we care about without realizing that they value our company more than money. The key is to find a balance between doing what you love and being with the people you love. Otherwise you’ll look back one day and wish you’d focused more on the latter.They wish they had expressed their feelingsWe’re taught as children that emotions are dangerous and that they must be bottled up and controlled. This usually works at first, but b oxing up your feelings causes them to grow until they erupt. The best thing you can do is to put your feelings directly on the table. Though it’s painful to initiate, it forces you to be honest and transparent.For example, if you feel as though you don’t make enough money at work, schedule a meeting with your boss and propose why you think you’re worth more. As a result, she will either agree with you and give you a raise or disagree and tell you what you do need to do to become more valuable. On the other hand, if you do nothing and let your feelings fester, this will hinder your performance and prevent you from reaching your goal.They wish they had stayed in touch with their friendsWhen you get caught up in your weekly routine, it’s easy to lose sight of how important people are to you, especially those you have to make time for. Relationships with old friends are among the first things to fall off the table when we’re busy. This is unfortunate because spending time with friends is a major stress buster. Close friends bring you energy, fresh perspectives, and a sense of belonging, in a way that no one else can.They wish they had let themselves be happyWhen your life is about to end, all the difficulties you’ve faced suddenly become trivial compared to the good times. This is because you realize that, more often than not, suffering is a choice. Unfortunately, most people realize this far too late. Although we all inevitably experience pain, how we react to our pain is completely under our control, as is our ability to experience joy. Learning to laugh, smile, and be happy (especially when stressed) is a challenge at times, but it’s one that’s worth every ounce of effort.Bringing it all togetherSome decisions have repercussions that can last a lifetime. Most of these decisions are made daily, and they require focus and perspective to keep them from haunting you.This article first appeared on LinkedIn.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Skills Based Resume: No Longer a Mystery

Skills Based Resume: No Longer a Mystery A good deal of information you'll be working on will be messy. From learning a new language to the newest in technology you ought to be adding to your skills on a normal basis. The ability to handle time indicates you could lead a number of projects with adequate understanding of deadlines and expectations. When faced with a large quantity of information, the capacity to detect problems and patterns, interpret data, and discover solutions is a far-reaching skill. Your professional summary ought to be anywhere from a few sentences. For instance, the summary section needs to be written in the very first individual. Functional resumes are excellent for highlighting transferable skills which will be applicable to your new field of work. Whether you take advantage of a traditional resume or among the skills-based resume styles, you will also have to determine whether to incorporate an Objective'' section. Employers want to know more abou t hiring the very best person for the position. Every work applicant knows the way to compose a resume. A functional resume isn't organized by the various jobs you have held. The job, the business, and the institution proved not the ideal fit for me. A functional resume can make it simpler for potential employers to observe the way you can add value to their organization and might help you get your foot in the door for a work interview. Based on your degree of experience and the jobs you're applying for, what you decide to concentrate on in your resume summary can fluctuate. You will also need to incorporate any experiences that are related to the job and its duties, your goals concerning the position, and what exactly you as a person can bring to the job or company that nobody else can. Before you buy a work offer, you have to have a resume. When working as the fitness coach, you must understand the capacity of the candidate and teach them of the bodily exercises. At precisely the same time, since you're in control of your career, start searching for different opportunities wherever your abilities and abilities will be valued and appreciated. Ultimately, you've figured out a career that you believe will hold your interest for a lengthy moment. If you believe you might require help, it's well worth the expense to employ an expert writer or go to a career counselor. Whether you have experience in your typical day-to-day job or you have to be slightly more creative make sure you demonstrate how truly great you're at delivering exceptional customer service to each customer, daily. Your choice may be based on the position, business or industry you're applying for in addition to the complexity of your previous experience. You will learn the way to communicate with unique folks so as to keep up a strong team. See below for exactly what things to include. What Everybody Dislikes About Skills Based Resume and Why Be mindful of listed skills that you don't have. A skills based resume template gives an applicant a great deal of room to list their precise abilities and abilities. Your transferable abilities, often called soft abilities, are skills you can apply to any job you might do, no matter the sp ecifics. Has up-to-date abilities and the capacity to learn new abilities and procedures easily. Details of Skills Based Resume Fantastic QAs often hold the authentic spec. For example, a number of office and client service based jobs will ask you know some simple office computer software such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Identify what should be improved, in the event the system in place has to be reworked. If you're using mobile phone, you may also utilize menu drawer from browser. Whether there are very less relevant traits, you can incorporate the ones which are nearly related to the work profile or that could help you in raising your efficiency in 1 way or the other. Regardless of what set and the number of skills you possess, it is very important to list them depending on the job you're applying for. For that reason, it's far better to highlight your abilities and the simple fact which you have acquired multiple talents, in place of drawing attention to how you've jumped from place to position. There is a higher expectation you will demonstrate personality, she adds. Aside from the forementioned details, it's important to realise that it's good to create the look and feel of your resume attractive, it ought not be overdone in order to defeat its objective. Presently there is just no way to inform precisely how long they are free. When working in a kitchen, you will understand that relying on others is a significant portion of your work. There a few forms of problems here so give all of them a shot. In your endeavor to duplicate your Pinned photos from Pinterest in your house, you excitedly purchase a variety of storage bins. Do not unnecessarily increase the duration of resume by including irrelevant details, but include all things you feel may assist you in your work. A big benefit is that you are able to prepare a different one per position you're applying for. There are three sorts of resumes, each with its own benefits and pitfalls.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Dirty Facts on Job Resume Skills

The Dirty Facts on Job Resume Skills What You Should Do to Find Out About Job Resume Skills Before You're Left Behind There's no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better prospect of standing from the crowd even supposing it's made utilizing a template. Everyone was in the exact situation when they were searching for their very first job! To some level, your very first job, probably part-time, would offer you financial freedom and establish your character. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously provide you an advantage. Ensure that the skills are related to the job that you desire. The presence of implied skills enable you to mention Extra Curricular Activities that don't have anything to do with your job but still wind up adding value to your Resume and boosting your employability. If you're still not certain if any one of these skills are suitable for your situation, one quick approach to check which skills the emp loyer is seeking is to inspect the work description. Soft skills are the skills that are applicable to every job. Looking for employment is never a simple point to doit is a stressful process for virtually any work hunting applicant, particularly for first timers. Writing all of it down in your resume could really help you acquire the job. Submit the same resume for every single job. Ensure you didn't miss whatever could cost you the job that you dream about! Real estate is a rather lucrative industry so it's obviously a competitive one. Accounting and finance managers may want to see your technical understanding. There are a number of jobs out there within this exciting field. If you're attempting to acquire work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. When applying for employment in a big business you may find they use specialized software to help weed out candidates. The health care industry can be quite competitive. Unique kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with lots of the very same skills. Hard skills have a tendency to be more technical, and each business or sort of job will often have its personal essential set. For example, if you have a substantial employment gap since your final position, you might want to use a functional resume rather than a chronological one. Job are always showing signals of change and developing, and you need to demonstrate an openness to raise and learn with that shift. The most frequently encountered kind of resume. List your name, telephone number, email address, and city at the peak of your resume. Lies You've Been Told About Job Resume Skills Resume creators permit jobseekers to make and download their finished resumes directly from the web to begin applying im mediately. Executives want to convey critical abilities and distinctive selling points utilizing an obvious message. Writing a strong application is a challenging procedure and we would like to make it simpler. The role of including these activities in your Resume is to provide the reader a feeling of the kind of skills you have acquired because of your active participation in these types of activities. The Good, the Bad and Job Resume Skills The upcoming free resume template is made in the shape of a brochure. Resume examples and templates are incredibly helpful, especially when you're writing one of your initial resumes. Employing a resume template is getting an acceptable and smart practice for numerous factors. To start with, the majority of these resume templates aren't any goodthe layout becomes messed up when you get started making your edits. Some might decide to mention their active involvement in sports, whereas some might decide to mention their work for a volunt eer with a native NGO. If you would like to showcase your organization skills, acquiring a tightly structured resume certainly helps. The position of Commis Chef is really a start to turning into a master chef with lots of of hard work, dedication and practice. If you're asking for a position inside the same school board in which you have taught in preceding decades, you should have the ability to gloss over any skills which are needed by that board. The Foolproof Job Resume Skills Strategy Every one of them boasts a clean appearance, yellow accents, and Roboto font, which will provide a modern appearance to your documents. There's no specific length for a resume, and there's no standard to it. This completely free CV design offers a chance to express your finest qualities with a minimum quantity of words. Then it may be time to bring some style to your resume! There aren't any shortcuts to compose an excellent, quality resume. While all resumes should offer information o n your work and education experience, together with your abilities and accomplishments, there are various ways to present this info. The goal of a resume is to highlight your skills, experience and accomplishments that are related to the role you are interested in being in. The above mentioned example shows several abilities and qualities that may improve your odds of being hired, including Discipline, Leadership and Organizational Ability. The skills section of your resume shows employers you've got the abilities necessary to be successful in the function. You may also have a skills section in which you list soft skills and any programs, languages, or certifications you've got. Listing your skills provides a chance to showcase your abilities and experiences to prime employers for the remainder of your resume. Make certain you highlight technical wisdom and certifications.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Whispered Resume for Medical Assistant Secrets

Whispered Resume for Medical Assistant Secrets New Questions About Resume for Medical Assistant End the cover letter by telling that you'd be grateful if you're given a personal opportunity to converse about your diverse qualifications in a thorough method. If you are just about to compose a thank you letter regarding a health issue it is most likely because you've been greatly helped by somebody. It's important to continue to keep your cover letter short and sweet, so get right to the point and explain why you would like the job, what you're able to offer, and the way in which your skills transfer. Better yet, ask someone who you trust to go through your personal statement letter. Your resume isn't only a showcase for your different abilities and aptitudes. The essential strengths on the first day of the resume are the locations that Steve wants the reader to concentrate on since they review his experience. Basically, you would like to concentrate on the abilities and experi ence you have they are searching for. Although resume objectives are getting more obsolete in favor of career summaries, in some specific conditions, it is sensible to incorporate an objective. Conclusion Getting work in any position is an important life changing process. My clinical skills are incredibly strong. There are a number of different kinds of health care assistants. They must be active listeners in order to understand and accurately record patient issues and specifications. A cover letter is a document that one wants to supply to the employer by submitting an application for work. It is a crucial part of any resume. Your cover letter ought to be specifically written to deal with the requirements of the employer to which you're applying. It should include relevant details about the qualifications that are not included in your resume. This sample medical assistant cover letters can help you to make your own. A resume is among the most crucial documents you are ever going to write, which explains why you wish to do what you can to help it become honest, inviting, and well written. Or, sample resume templates are available on the internet to guide you. Unique forms of sample resumes can be used depending on the area you're applying to. If you want to employ a health assistant then a medical assistant job description can assist you in putting out an advert. A health assistant resume for externship is comparable to the usual resume, except emphasis is put on the related coursework or skills one acquired during the class of the medical assistant training plan. Your healthcare assistant resume is the very first thing a prospective employer will appear at closely. The very first senior medical assistant resume sample indicates the proper skills. A cover letter helps an applicant stick out from the other applicants that are competing for the exact same job role. A superb idea for your healthcare assistant cover letter is to incorporate a concise summary of your past relevant experiences and education. Writing a wonderful objective requires the comprehension of what the employer wants from the assistant they need to employ. To become a health assistant, it's crucial that you highlight four big areas in your cover letter. Generally speaking, employers shall expect the intern to present a great cover letter together with their resumes while putting in an application for an internship prospect. Recruiters utilize software to get the resumes they're searching for. A cover letter is something which you send, together with your resume when applying for a new job with a new medical care facility, or it may be when applying for a new job at the very same institution you already get the job done for. Seeing that patients receive high quality healthcare services is my principal objective. For doctors, you need to be certain you have the health history properly encoded. Well, the fantastic part is that today you have a broad array of Administrative Assistant Resume Templates to assist you. Job applicants with minimal or no experience that are recent graduates have a better chance should they put in an application for a position in a physician's office, instead of a hospital or medical center where more formal training is probably going to be required. Tell the business that you'll be pleased if you receive a chance to attend their externship program, either you're an entry level or seasoned candidate. If you are only graduating from a medicalbilling and coding program, you may not ever have written a cover letterbefore.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Unexpected Truth About Ma Resume Examples

The Unexpected Truth About Ma Resume Examples The Foolproof Ma Resume Examples Strategy For them, it's important to have well-crafted CVs. Recruiters utilize software to locate the resumes they're searching for. If you're searching for a new job, make sure that you start out with a strong, well-written resume so it's possible to secure the Enterprise management trainee position you desire. On occasion the job posting will list her or his contact details. Be sure to concentrate on skills related specifically to the job which you're applying for. It's also advisable to use the help of on-line job platforms. Medical assistants are in demand, but it doesn't indicate it will be simple to land work. A dental assistant resume is vital in the work application procedure. Before you begin to doubt yourself to take another degree in medical billing, return to your Medical assistant resume. A health assistant has to execute some crucial jobs, and typically a medical team is composed of a small number of talented along with skilled medical assistants. It is essential that you comprehend the significance of office assistant objectives for resumes. It's true you don't require a medical assistant program to find work. What You Should Do to Find Out About Ma Resume Examples Before You're Left Behind You may also find the Job Resumes. Writing a CV has ever been a daunting endeavor, and for the healthcare assistants, it's even more daunting . Why it is essential to maintain a Building Worker Application even as you work. Your Medical Assistant Resume should stand out whether you need to put yourself ahead of different applicants. New Step by Step Roadmap for Ma Resume Examples Objective can fluctuate greatly for specific careers. More than every other portion of the resume, the Objective must be quite compelling as it's the very first line that the prospective employer reads. Although resume objectives are getting more obsolete in favor of career summaries, in some specific conditions, it is reasonable incorporate an objective. Once writing the financial resumes, it's important to adhere to the important ideas. Knowing the fundamental steps of writing a good resume does not indicate you have to write alone. If you want more help writing your experience section, take a look at the expert experience part of our resume writing guide. Writing resumes might have been taught to us in school, but things learned fr om the book might not always be the exact same in the actual world. The Debate Over Ma Resume Examples Fortunately, there are a number of excellent samples and resources available to assist you craft the great professional resume. Writing a resume can be a very hard job. The kind of resume that combines the initial two varieties of resumes and is composed of two pages. There are lots of professional resume template which may be on the internet that you will be in a position to learn some idea about ways to construct an expert cv applying best resume builder sites. The 30-Second Trick for Ma Resume Examples Not only is it more descriptive for your prospective employer, but in addition, it provides you an opportunity to advertise yourself a tiny bit more. You must bear in mind that if you're still studying then its fine to list wherever your education progress stands. Show your prospective employer why it's possible to execute the work far better than others no matter how mu ch experience you've got. If you prefer to receive a great work, you need a good resume. You don't need to include work experience that's not linked to the work post. If you wish to put in an application for a post of a health assistant then we can assist you in writing your resume. If you believe that this type of object of information about the medical assistant resume examples ought to be shard then be our guest and share it on various social networking channels. Resume writing doesn't have to be always a 1 person job. Many internet resources are preaching that objectives aren't a valuable part of the medical assistant resume and it's merely a mere waste of space. By making certain you have not overlooked any mistakes, you can prevent the embarrassment of appearing incompetent to hiring managers. It's possible to use the resume objective whenever you are targeting any particular job. The work market is getting more competitive in just about any area. The Basics of Ma Resume Examples That You Will be Able to Learn From Beginning Today A provider's headquarters is an amazing method to get a number of openings in a range of fields. There are plenty of, quite a few different tactics to commence an organization. When choosing a continue contractor, you will need to be certain to purchase one which is very simple to update and will give you a document that might be edited. As an overall guideline, your resume does not have to expand upon each and every job or duty you've held.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Download Free Resume Templates and Why You Must Take Action Today

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Download Free Resume Templates and Why You Must Take Action Today Visual resume is about visuals, utilizing visual facets of graphic design to permit visual imagery and total visual appearance to speak for itself. There are a lot of such on-line sites which help you make a customized resume according to your liking. Through the completely free graphical design, it may be the ideal knowledge. A template can spare you a great deal of time. Each template offers structure, examples and tips so you don't need to start from scratch when creating your resume. Our creative templates let you stick out from the crowd. Each one of our creative style templates provide a perfectly balanced mixture of personality, professionalism and some style. A Brief Review Regarding Resume A resume is a part of document which is used by an individual to spell out his employment details in regard to their background and techniques. Professionally, our resumes are often the very first impression a possible employer gets of us. It's possible to say that's quite opposite of functional resumes that are very traditional. Both may be used to create chronological or functional resumes. The Hidden Facts on Download Free Resume Templates Most resume format word file available for free download so make certain not to waste cash with the thought of getting a better choice. It is extremely easy to c reate a great looking resume in Word and one can even utilize templates to assist them. Once you have selected your perfect resume template from our selection, follow our completely free expert guidance about ways to craft the great modern resume. Double check to make certain that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. A basic resume is also simpler to read. In addition, the printable is also at no cost. A good resume would aid with that. Download Free Resume Templates Features Aside from the forementioned details, it's important to realise that it's good to create the look and feel of your resume attractive, it ought not be overdone in order to defeat its objective. Getting the most of a resource that won't only help save you time, but is shown to elevate your opportunity of scoring a work simply is logical. Based on your field of work, you ought to choose your resume. Men and women utilize a variety of resume templates using different sort of design approaches, but ultimately it's always likely to come to the simple fact that your resume should convey a very clear message above your skills, your experience, and also why you'd be the ideal candidate for the position. A resume builder will allow you to rectify any errors and supply you with a working vision of the resume although you edit. The procedure for requesting a job is stressful and time consuming. Utilizing a resume template is now an acceptable and smart practice for quite a few factors. Businesses should have professionally designed invoice for producing the ideal impression on their customers. The PSD is extremely simple to edit and customize. You are able to use any template you download as-is, or you are able to customize it to fulfill your requirements. Make certain you have replaced each of the information from the template with your own, personalized details. In order to make the perfect resume for yourself, it's very important to experience various resume templates word and after that decide which fits your requirements. When you choose a template you'll be shown a dialog box that shows you a bigger view of the template. Rather than making the designs, it is going to be a lot easier once you receive the internet template, just because it only needs some adjustments or modifying to genuinely make it as what you require. New Questions About Download Free Resume Templates The initial one is about outlining your abilities and your availability in a certain job position. Submit the same resume for every single job. It's very necessary to know the type of resumes preferred by the establishment that you wish to work for. It's important to get your resume stand out from the work competition.